COMPUTING ENVIRONMENTS in the computer is the state of computer which is determined by the combination of software and hardware and programs which are running currently.
In the beginning days of Computer, there was only one environment that is Mainframe Computer. It is located in the Central Computing Department of the Computer. As the years passed, there was a lot of notable inventions such as Personal Computer(PC), mini computer, Super Computer in the field of Computer Systems. As a result the Environment changed with computer on virtually every desktop.
Types of Computing Environments
Personal Computing Environment
Time-Sharing Environment.
Client/Server Environment.
Distributed Computing.
A personal computing environment is a general- purpose environment which is used in personal computers. It is useful for individuals which is directly operated by the user without any intermediate servers. The hardware components such as mouse, keyboard, monitor are attached to a personal computer for the user-friendly usage.
The Time-Sharing Environment is used in minicomputers or Central mainframes generally. In this all the Computing must be done by the Central Computer. The Central Computer manages the Shared data, Resources, Printing and also Computing. These are not directly in contact with the user there is an intermediate, Central Mainframe.
A Client/Server computing environment splits the computing functions between a Central computer and user’s Computers. Here, the users computers or work stations are called as Clients. the Central Computer which splits the functions may be a minicomputer or microcomputer called as SERVER.
The DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT provides a smooth and continuous integration of Computing functions between Servers and Clients. This Environment provides a Reliable, Scalable and Highly available network through Internet. It provides a Connectivity to the clients and different servers throughout this world.