Crypto says “COMPUTER SYSTEM is like an index page to the Computer, it deals with how the processes are going inside the computer and challenges faced by the user”.

It is an Electronic device which accepts data, instructions and from user then process and provide a valid information. Known as OUTPUT.

CRYPTO says, Hardware and software are the two major categories of Computer architecture. Where, Hardware is the Physical equipment……

In the beginning days of Computer, there was only one environment that is Mainframe Computer. It is located in the Central Computing Department of the Computer. As the years passed, there was a lot of notable inventions such as Personal Computer(PC), mini computer, Super Computer……..

A program in Computer system is a set of instructions given to a computer to perform specific operation. The process of writing Program is known as PROGRAMMING and the one who writes is known as a PROGRAMMER

COMPUTER: Computer is an electronic machine that accepts the data and instructions from the user. Then processes and give a valid information known as OUTPUT.
HARDWARE: Hardware is th
CRYPTO’S ADVICE: Hey new beginner this is for you, You known about the Computer and its functions in Crypto’s way. Now try to move to the Programming languages like C, C++, Java . Crypto’s Advises you to prefer C-Language first on above of any other language as it is the Basic Programming language. Here the Contents and Programs in C-Language are made uniquely for sake of beginners. So, without late start exploring the C-Langugae. — HAPPY E-LEARN…!!!